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Please be advised that the content here does not constitute medical, dietary, or nutritional advice. While I personally follow a high-fat low-carb keto-carnivore nutrition, any decision to implement these guidelines for yourself or others is solely at your own discretion. I, Tammar, and/or Tammar's Designs and/or Tammar's Designs Books shall not be held liable for any consequences or effects resulting from the application of the information contained herein.

Please note I am not affiliated with any of these sources below.

Also - the order of the below sources does not indicate their importance.

FAT: A Documentary - Health and Wellness Documentary

Watch for free on YouTube: HERE

FAT traces a detailed history spanning 150 years to show how misinformation and outright lies have become "truth." Directed by: Peter Curtis Pardini Starring: Dr. Georgia Ede, Nina Teicholz, Anna Vocino, Dr. Bret Scher, Mike Dawson, Adam Carolla, Dr. Drew Pinsky, Eric Westman

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FAT 2: A Documentary - Health and Wellness Documentary

Watch for free on YouTube: HERE

The sequel to the international sensation that delves deeper into the lies and myths surrounding the age-old question: "What should I be eating?" Vinnie Tortorich and a host of health experts talk about the conflicts between plant eaters and meat eaters and how hidden machinations in the food industry are the reasons why we believe what we do about food and optimal health.



Watch for free on YouTube: HERE

Fat Fiction reveals how the United States government relied on questionable evidence to support one of the most damaging public health recommendations in the history of our country: the “low fat diet.” Featuring world leaders in low-carb nutrition

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Beyond Impossible Documentary

Watch for free on YouTube: HERE

Beyond Impossible exposes the corruption of the fake meat industry and how it ties in with the sinister plans of a global elite. Health expert Vinnie Tortorich asks the intriguing question: What do Harvard University, internet Vegans and the World Economic Forum all have in common? A religious desire for the world to go Vegan. But why? Beyond Impossible reveals an uncomfortable truth.

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First Do No Harm - based on a true story - The cure to epilepsy

The director and producer, Jim Abrahams, was inspired to make the film as a result of his own experiences with his son Charlie. Charlie developed a very serious seizure condition that proved intractable despite several medications and surgery. His cognitive decline was described by Abrahams as "a fate worse than death". Abrahams came across the diet in a book on childhood epilepsy by John Freeman, director of the Pediatric Epilepsy Center at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Charlie was started on the diet and rapidly became seizure-free. In addition, medications were tapered and his mental development restored. Abrahams was outraged that nobody had informed him of the diet. He created the Charlie Foundation to promote the diet and funded research studies to demonstrate its effectiveness.

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