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Cholesterol & statins - fact sheet to give to your doctor, family and friends

Updated: Mar 26

Concise Facts About Cholesterol / LDL /HDL:

1) The Minnesota Coronary Survey (1968-73, 1989, 2016): 

  • This was a large RCT (Randomised Controlled Trials) study that aimed to investigate the effects on health when reducing saturated fats.

  • results were hidden, then cherry-picked in 1989, and then fully published in 2016

  • The results showed that replacing animal saturated fats with vegetable oils DID NOT REDUCE THE RISK OF HEART DISEASE. 

  • The full results were finally published in 2016 - 38 years after the study was completed! 

  • THE ULTIMATE CONCLUSION OF THE FULL DATA FOUND IN THE BASEMENT: while replacing saturated fats with vegetable oil did indeed lower the cholesterol level - it did so at the cost of increased risk of death. In other words – LOWERING CHOLESTEROL INCREASES THE RISK OF MORTALITY. 

  • This study suggests government limits on saturated fats aren't scientifically justified:

  • Reducing saturated fatty acid (SFA) intake has no beneficial effects on cardiovascular disease (CVD) and mortality. Instead, it found protective effects against stroke.

  • Whole-fat dairy, unprocessed meat, and dark chocolate are SFA-rich foods that are not associated with an increased risk of CVD. 

  • "The totality of available evidence does not support further limiting the intake of such foods.”

  • Those in the low-fat diet group, who have a history of heart disease, had a 25% higher chance of complications.

  • Reducing saturated fat (animal fats) in the diet and increasing polyunsaturated fats (seed and vegetable oils) increased the risk of death by 62 percent.

  • The weight of evidence does not support restricting saturated fat, and it is explicitly recommended that dairy meat and eggs be freely consumed.

  • An overwhelming finding is that individuals with the highest LDL levels live longer - the higher your LDL level, the lower your chance of dying.

7) ARE YOU AT RISK OF DEVELOPING HEART DISEASE? Check your Triglycerides: HDL ratio

LDL is 'bad' only when it's damaged, which happens because of the consumption of carbs. A damaged LDL test is expensive.

The alternative is checking the Triglycerides: HDL ratio (based on the study here). Here's how to do it (measurements are in Australian units, USA units are demonstrated in the image):

  • If the triglycerides are under 0.5 mmol/L - that's good.

  • If not - check the HDL.

  • If the HDL is over 1.5 mmol/L - that's good.

  • If not - check the ratio.

  • If the ratio (triglycerides divided by HDL) is under 0.8 mmol (1.8 mg) - it's good. 

if none of these three measurements are good - then it needs to be further investigated, including checking HBA1C, CAC (coronary artery calcium score), and other tests such as inflammatory markers.

(Images are screenshots taken from a lecture by Dr. Paul Mason - here)

Concise Facts About Statins (medicine that is given to reduce Cholesterol):

  • Statin use can increase by 71% the chance of developing diabetes, and worsen sugar control in those who already have diabetes.

  • This study is a systematic review and meta-analysis of 21 randomized clinical trials (more than 143,000 patients tested).

  • The study results suggest that the absolute benefits of statins are modest, may not be strongly mediated through the degree of LDL-C reduction, and should be communicated to patients as part of informed clinical decision-making as well as to inform clinical guidelines and policy.

  • When following statin therapy - there is NO consistent relationship between lowering LDL-C and stroke, heart attack, or death.

  • The numbers the statin companies publish are RELATIVE risk reduction. But the true number is the ABSOLUTE risk reduction. 

  • The true ABSOLUTE risk reduction numbers, when taking statins, are: 0.8% risk reduction for mortality, 1.3% risk reduction for heart attack, and 0.4% risk reduction for stroke. This shows that basically, statins don't reduce the risk.

  • The risks of taking statins (all links to studies are in this video description): lowering K2, lower testosterone, raising blood sugar (glucose), increased risk of type 2 diabetes, lowering levels of CoQ10, elevated increasing the risk of having muscle pain or worsening existing ones, risking muscle breakdown, elevate liver enzymes and even damage the liver, lower energy level, lower DHEA (hormone), worsen memory and increase risk of dementia, increase shingles risk, increase risk of erectile dysfunction (men). 

  • Most of the trial participants who took statins derived no clinical benefit.

  • Unless you had a previous heart attack, then you MIGHT consider taking a statin - only as a secondary prevention.

  • Doctors' lack of knowledge about relative and absolute risk reduction. This is shown in a study found here.

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Looking forward to your comments and questions!

Major Points:

Please note - these points are a synopsis of the full article - not my personal conclusions.

  • Lowering Cholesterol increases the risk of mortality - reduction of animal fats in the diet increases the risk of death by 62%.

  • It is recommended that dairy, meat, and eggs will be freely consumed (no restrictions).

  • Individuals with the highest LDL levels live longer.

  • To predict the risk of heart disease - check your Triglycerides: HDL ratio (Aust/UK under 0.8 mmol is good, USA/Europe under 1.8 mg is good)

  • When following statin therapy - there is NO consistent relationship between lowering LDL-C and stroke, heart attack, or death.

  • The true ABSOLUTE risk reduction numbers, when taking statins, are: 0.8% risk reduction for mortality, 1.3% risk reduction for heart attack, and 0.4% risk reduction for stroke. This shows that basically, statins don't reduce the risk.

  • There are a lot of risks when taking statins (all links to studies are in this video description): lowering K2, lower testosterone, raising blood sugar (glucose), increased risk of type 2 diabetes, lowering levels of CoQ10, elevated risk of having muscle pain or worsening existing ones, risking muscle breakdown, elevate liver enzymes and even damage the liver, lower energy level, lower DHEA (hormone), worsen memory and increase risk of dementia, increase shingles risk, increase risk of erectile dysfunction (men).


This article is based on

  1. 4 lectures by Dr. Paul Mason: view here, here, here, and here

  2. 3 Lecture by Dr. Ken Berry - view here, here, and here.  

  3. Scientific published studies - links are provided within the article itself.

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The full article:

The major points:


This article is not intended to provide health or dietary advice. I do not aim to convince you, but rather to empower you with facts.

Fact accuracy of this information: As always, I am committed to factual accuracy when presenting information. The insights and conclusions in this article have been thoroughly reviewed and checked for factual integrity. While AI tools like ChatGPT have been utilized as part of the fact-checking process, they complement a wider strategy that includes viewing current scientific research, expert analyses, and authoritative resources to ensure the reliability and relevance of the content presented. If there is any facts that I might have missed or that I have presented wrong - please contact me: at




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