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Rethinking Cancer

Updated: Nov 4, 2023


This article is not intended to provide health or dietary advice. I do not aim to convince you, but rather to empower you with facts.

This article is based on a video of Anthony Chaffee, MD. interviewing Professor Thomas Seyfried.

You can (and probably should) listen to the full video here.

The summary of this interview will provide information as to how cancer can be managed.

The purpose of this article is to bring the essence of the interview, to those who have no time/patience to watch videos or people who prefer to read concise summaries. You can also print this article (click here). This article includes links to relevant studies, articles, and other valuable resources.

it's important to clarify that this summary is a personal initiative and not in partnership with Dr. Chaffee or Prof. Seyfried. I encourage you to check Prof. Seyfried's work (here) and Dr Chaffee's channel (here).

As always, I am committed to bringing you 'The facts and Nothing But The Facts. So help me.'

If you only want to read the synopsis of this article - click here. The synopsis is a quick easy-to-digest bullet point list of the main takeaways. You can get the gist of the subject by reading the synopsis.

Otherwise - let's start:

Cancer is a metabolic disease

  • A mitochondrion (Mitochondria - for plural) is a cell organelle that generates most of the chemical energy needed to power the cell's biochemical reactions. The mitochondria are the controller of our cell cycle.

  • The definition of cancer is cell division out of control (or dysregulated cell growth). This happens from damage to the mitochondria. in other words:

  • cancer is a metabolic disease, a dysfunction of the mitochondria.

  • Metabolic processes are related to nutrition. Metabolism is a chemical reaction that occurs in our body to maintain life. It includes processes like the breakdown of food into energy (catabolism) and the use of that energy to build and repair tissues (anabolism).

  • Nutrition plays a crucial role in these metabolic processes because it provides the nutrients and energy needed for your body's proper function.

  • This goes back to the work of Otto Warburg, between 1920-1940s - he defined that cancer originated from damage to the mitochondria.

  • When the mitochondria are damaged, or what is called - not normal - the cells are not able to generate energy.

  • Prof. Seyfried research team has verified that what Warburg claimed back in the 20's - is true.

"We now understand the biology of the disease, and yet we are doing these crazy things to these poor people. it doesn't make any sense to me... you can't torture human beings as well as some of the standard of care does to people. I don't even think that waterboarding would be as bad as some of the treatments they give cancer patients... It's a tragedy... and we don't have to do this" (Prof. S.)

Cancer cannot live without...

  • Cancer cells cannot use respiration (oxygen).

  • Not being able to use oxygen forces the cancer cell into a fermentation mechanism so it can survive. That's the characteristic of all cancer cells - they ferment.

  • 2.5 million years ago, all cells evolved without oxygen because there was no oxygen on Earth.

  • So basically the cancer cells are simply falling back on ancient pathways that existed before oxygen was introduced to Earth.

  • Glucose and glutamine are both fermentation fuels.

  • As long as cancer cells have these fuels in their environment - they are very difficult to kill.

Radiation and chemo are fueling cancer

  • Some of these standard-of-care procedures promote the availability of fermentable fuels.

  • These procedures make the management of the disease impossible.

  • That's why the current standard of care makes no sense.

  • the 2 fuels necessary for cancer to grow - are made available in abundant quantities by the current treatments given to patients these days.

  • there still is a huge lack of knowledge within the medical and healthcare industry.

  • In hospitals, they give cancer patients ice cream and orange juice which is a huge dose of glucose, which is - the main fuel of cancer.

  • The radiation is actually freeing massive amounts of glucose and glutamine in the tumor microenvironment, making long-term survival very very rare.

  • Humans shouldn't be radiated.

  • The steroids that are given to cancer patients increase blood sugar.

  • All this shows that the therapies themselves are sealing the death certificate of patients.

  • The treatment that is used, in all cancers, contributes to the demised of these patients.

Our diet does not fit our evolutionary past.

  • excessive amounts of carbohydrates cause inflammatory conditions in the body, and this state of inflammation contributes to the damage.

  • Chronic consumption of carbohydrates can put the body in an imbalance of nutritional states.

  • Excessive amounts of carbohydrates - can lead to cancer, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's, cardiovascular disease - basically all the major chronic diseases.

  • As a species, we did not evolve to eat large amounts of carbohydrates.

  • Carbs were only a seasonal thing: ripe fruit, maybe honey, once or twice a year, and even then, for a short period and in a very small amount.

  • In the last 100-200 years, we have been exposed to high levels of carbohydrates and seed oils.

  • That is ultimately the origin of the majority of chronic diseases that we have.

All we need to do is pull the plug on the (cancer) fuel

  • When humans are in a state of ketosis - our mitochondria are more efficient and also increase in number.

  • Ketosis is achieved by eating high fat and protein diet, with low to no carbs.

  • No carbs = no sugar = no excess glucose.

  • So all that needs to be done is to eliminate glucose and glucamine, by using a combination of therapeutic ketosis and drugs that are not toxic.

Metabolic therapy is not profitable

  • There's no profit in this treatment - and that's why the authorities object to it.

  • "It's not the patient that should be benefited - it's how to make revenue from this".

  • cancer is a revenue-generating disease.

2 things need to be done:

1) avoiding the standard of care - say no. It's your body, your life.

2) switching your entire diet lifestyle over, to a very low carbohydrate.

cancer cells can't burn ketones or fats.

  • They only burn glucose and glutamine.

  • The way to treat cancer is to use a ketogenic diet with a drug called Don.

  • Nutritional ketosis can facilitate the delivery of these drugs.

  • Without ketosis - these drugs are not really efficient.

  • People themselves, the cancer patients, need to rise up and demand metabolic therapy.

  • They need to refuse the standard of care and demand metabolic therapy. The change will come from the people themselves, from those who would benefit directly. The change will not come from the pharmacy and health industry - because it's not going to make revenue for them. it's not going to benefit them financially.

"why is there resistance to the idea that people with cancer can live longer and with a higher quality of life? This makes no sense to me... We have millions of cancer patients who survived radiation and chemo, but their body is paying a huge price" (Prof. S)

The current treatment - radiation, chemo, steroids - is a stoneage treatment

  • Patients who get these treatments suffer from gastrointestinal problems, neuropsychiatric problems, hormonal imbalances, microbiome disturbances... the list goes on.

  • The above conditions make their life less enjoyable because they are exposed to toxic poisons.

  • Moon face - you often see a child or an adult that is given a high dose of steroids as part of the cancer treatment, and then they are getting what is called the 'moon face'. , that is because steroids are driving blood sugar to extremely high levels. once you see the 'moon face' in a child or adult with a glioblastoma (brain tumor) - you know that the therapy is killing them. Most of the practitioners do not know that. This is a gap of knowledge that needs to be closed.


  • In Turkey, some of our colleagues are using metabolic-supported chemotherapy. they use the lowest doses of chemo together with nutritional ketosis, which has a good outcome. these cliniques said that they prefer not to use any chemo treatment but unfortunately, they are forced to do it by the system.

  • Cancer is a mitochondrial metabolic disease (not a genetic disease) - that's why the current treatments make no sense.

  • cancer deaths are rising worldwide, on a daily basis. this is proof that the current treatment is doing nothing.

  • the chemotherapy drug that was the basis for DRP-104 and was first studied by NCI in the 1950s, works differently. It's extremely similar in its chemical makeup to glutamine, and this similarity allows it to gum up the works of the entire system that cancer cells use to turn glutamine into energy.)

  • Dr. Anthony Chaffee - since 1977 USDA declared that cholesterol will cause heart disease, and then the guidelines changed: reduce fat intake by about 30%, reduce red meat by about 33%, increase fruit and vegs, carbs, and sugar by 30-40 % - since then there's been roughly triple of cancer in the USA only. This is not a genetic thing. That means there's something in the environment that changes. and the environmental component here is our diet.

  • the model that was used in Prof. Seyfried research was the best model to use - because all the cancers arose in the mice naturally. they were not genetically engineered. This is the same cancer that was found in dogs and humans. And these cancers responded very well to metabolic therapy.

  • The number one killer for dogs is cancer. in wolfs cancer is rare to the point of no existence. this is because they are eating their natural diet in the wild. in zoos - they don't feed chimpanzees donuts and pizzas because that would be considered animal cruelty or animal abuse. yet - we feed these things to our dogs. cancer in dogs and cats increased dramatically since the inception of packaged processed cat and dog food.

  • all these signs that say 'do not feed the (animal name) x or y food, because this is not their natural food' - and yet we allow ourselves to eat the same junk that we prevent from animals.

  • the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry are linked.

  • you can't get cancer if your mitochondria are healthy.

  • Dr. Robert Lustig of UCSF mentioned in one of his books that the sugar industry makes about 1.3 trillion dollars a year gross figures, and what we spend treating the metabolic issues derived from sugar consumption is 2.4 trillion dollars.

  • 3-4 times longer survival in dogs when treated with metabolic therapy with diet and the don.

  • Published paper - the press pulse therapeutic strategy: it outlines the framework on how human cancer would be treated with this strategy - diet + strategic drug in pulses, and that slowly degrades the tumor while enhancing the health and vitality of the normal cells. this metabolic pulse strategy, not only manages cancer reducing it significantly, but it also gets rid of diabetes, hypertension, and some other diseases. clearly, this has shown that cancer and these other diseases are linked to nutritional imbalance and diets that provoke these conditions.

  • when it comes to children - parents might not have a choice to decide whether to put their child under chemo and radiation, because if the child is under 16 or 18 - the system determines what will be done to that child. the parents are taken out of the equation. and that's even when it is known that radiation and chemo damage the child's mental development.

My Final Thoughts

I prefer to lead my life with facts.
That's why I no longer follow the 'generic' advice in regard to nutrition. I follow the advice of doctors and experts who bring robust evidence, as to how I, a human being, should eat - in order to be healthy.
I do, however, print these facts and give them to others so they can read them, and perhaps change their belief into facts, and start their journey of health.
I understand that changing long-held beliefs about food and health can be challenging. After reading this, you have a choice: continue your life with non-factual unscientific beliefs or change your life for the better with 'facts and nothing but the facts'.
Will you continue down the old path, or embrace a new, evidence-based approach to nutrition that leads to a healthier, happier life? Would you share this article or even print it and give it to your doctor or loved ones?
I would love to hear your answer. Please share your thoughts in the comments below. I promise to answer.

About Professor Thomas Seyfried

  • A professor of biology at Boston College and teaches cancer metabolism and general biology.

  • He conducts active research (click here for details) to manage all types of cancer with the combination of diet and drugs, without inducing toxicity to any of the normal cells or tissues of our body.

  • This ongoing research team collaborates and shares the knowledge they have from their pre-clinical studies with directors of cancer clinics around the world, so these clinics can start applying non-toxic metabolic therapy to their patients.

  • The success rate is astonishing.

  • From the info the research team gets back from these clinics, they constantly tweak the treatment.

  • The goal is that metabolic therapy will become the standard of care for cancer.


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