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The Facts and Nothing But The Facts. So Help Me.

Updated: Nov 30, 2023

The distinction between facts and truth is a complex subject. In essence:

  • Facts are objective, verifiable statements. They can be proven or disproven with evidence.

  • On the other hand, the truth is more complex. It may be rooted in facts, but more often it incorporates personal or subjective beliefs. Sometimes it's even established by a strong lobby of finance or manipulations. Often, these manipulated truths can have harmful effects on our lives. Many 'truths' are stories embedded in the public consciousness without concrete evidence.

While facts are concrete and independently verifiable, truth is more malleable and open to interpretation. Both play significant roles in our comprehension of the world and distinguishing between them in different contexts is crucial.

I have discovered a lot of facts that were the opposite of what I thought was the truth. It took a while to accept it. But once I did - my life changed for the better.

That is why my mission is to share information grounded solely in facts. Frequently, these facts directly contradict the truths we've all grown up on.

In this blog, Straight Facts, the majority* of the articles reveal facts.

Should you read the articles in this blog? And if you do - would you change your thinking and beliefs? It comes down to a (not always easy) choice.

It is, after all, your choice to either continue your life with non-factual truths and unscientific beliefs or to change your life for the better with 'facts and nothing but the facts'. So help you.

* Majority - some articles are Tammar's thoughts. These 'thoughts' articles, which you can find here, are things I am thinking about and debating with myself.

The below graphic, The Facts and Nothing But The Facts was Inspired by the work of Nina Teicholz, Garry Gary Taubes, L. Amber O'Hearn, and Dave Feldman. To check their websites and others like them that promote science-based acts - click here. if you wish to shop the below graphic - click here


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